For a Cleaner Bangalore

Stumbled upon this piece that I wrote when I was in the 7th grade. Quite a significant time, as that was the year that I changed schools. Here it is: Introduction As per the survey conducted by Breathe Blue 15, the Garden City has 14% of school going children suffering because of air pollution. Bangalore is at the second place in the list of most polluted cities in India. Bangalore is in the grip of rising air pollution. Official ambient air quality monitoring has already shown 57% increase in four years (2010- 2014) and increase of 23% in one year. With more number of vehicles added everyday, the resultant congestion, dieselisation and air pollution is a grave concern for the Garden City of Bangalore. It is unfortunate to see the dominant commuting practices of using the bus and walking are taking a backseat which is leading to unclean air and deteriorating health. The way forward The solution I am proposing for the city of Bangalore would be to make Bangalore the cycl...