
Showing posts from July, 2020

Online Classes cannot be the "new normal"

This is for all the adults who think children enjoy online classes. In this blog, I will mainly be focusing on how teenagers (such as myself) perceive online classes. First of all, staring at a screen for 5 hours a day in one spot isn’t exactly our idea of perfect and interesting schooling. IT’S MIND NUMBINGLY BORING.   All of us are going through a tough time and piling on more work to do and more material to memorize isn’t a good way to help us to cope with our deteriorated mental health. For all the ADULTS who are saying “But children will miss out on their education!” these adults don’t know what they are talking about (The word ‘adults’ is in quotes as nobody cares what children think). India is way too obsessed with exams and education and can’t be bothered to think about the stress, brain fog, loneliness and anxiety the youth is going through now. There has to be a better way of educating us. You can’t just transform education into online classes like how corporate ...