Kindness of Strangers

This happened to me when I was in the 4th grade. We always went to Kerala to stay with my grandparents during summer. I had got a load of holiday homework from my school and I'd carried it all the way to Kerala. 

I had to make a model of the solar system for my school project. I had the whole list of materials required for the project in my holiday homework. Me and my grandmother set off in a Auto with a huge bag with the holiday homework in it. My grandmother advised me to hold the bag in my lap, but I turned a deaf ear to her words and I put it in the back of the Auto.

We reached the stationary shop and we paid our fare when I realised that I had left the homework in the Auto !! I ran after the auto but it disappeared into the Thrissur traffic. I burst into tears and my grandmother tried to calm me down with a bar of chocolate. We took an auto home. 

That night I slept with misery- I dreamt that, I would be the only person who didn't submit the holiday homework. 

When I woke up, my mother said that she had a surprise for me. She had got my holiday homework!! (It was the first time I was pleased to see homework 😄)
I was shocked and happy at the  same time. My grandmother told me that the Auto driver noticed the bag and remembered the place where he picked us up in the Auto. I was really happy and never forgot the kindness of the Auto driver. 


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