The use of mobile phones has lowered active social life ! - Counter argument

With the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic technology has sustained our morale by aiding in our social, educational, recreational, and work related responsibilities. However, my approach to this essay pertains to our predicament before Covid 19.

Once could argue that the use of mobile phones have lowered social life and has manifested into an addiction. However, this statemen is factually inaccurate as mobile phones are an excellent tool in increasing socialisation. This blog is based on the method by which mobile phones are used as a scapegoat to blame decreased socialisation on and revolves around how the problems supposedly caused by mobile phones, have several underlying factors. 

Once could say that mobile phones have adversely impacted the lives of students and that phones are the cause of increased suicide rates of students. However, high suicide rates are attributed to academic and parental pressure and there is no ample proof to support the statemen that phones have adversely impacted the social lives of students. The 600% increase in student suicide rates over the past years are not due to phones but because of the perception that 'academic excellence' is the only way to thrive in life.

Decline in social life

The decline in students' social life is attributed to school related predicaments of exams, tests, assignments and homework. Alongwith these responsibilities, parents wish to see their child excel in music, sports, dance and art which leaves students with no time for socialisation. 

Once could also argue that mobile phones have affected the working class as they receive calls from work even when at home which blurs the narrowing line between work and home which takes a toll on their social life. However, the concepts of 'toil glamour' and 'performative workaholism' is what deteriorates the social life of the working class. The toxic, internalised traits of bragging about their lack of sleep, caffeine addiction and immense workload (which is worn as a badge of honour) is what worsens their social life, not mobile phones.

One could also comment on mobile phone being used to avoid social and emotional confrontations as many use their phones to get themselves out of uneasy conversations. However, emotional breakdowns and face-to-face public confrontations yie;d no fruit and can be embarrassing. Forcing people to get out of their comfort zone without their consent is toxic and blaming people for using their phone as a coping mechanism is illogical.

Once could argue that mobile phones have become an addiction and no longer a necessity. However, mobile phones are used as a method of escapism. Literature and movies are also methods of escapism but are less frowned upon. Phones are also used as coping mechanisms just the way drugs, alcohol and self-harm are also coping mechansim for one's poor mental health. But the invention of mobile phones is not the underlying factor of addiction. The concept of instant gratification at one's finger tips is what drags an individual into an endless cycle of pursuing a dopamine rush. Netflix, instagram and amazon's algorithms are eerily similar to getting the users addicted to their content which is exactly what's responsible for ones addiction to mobile phones. This cycle can be broken through limitation of these apps and being involved in various hobbies. hence mobile phones cannot be held responsible for being stuck in an endless cycle of pursuing a dopamine boost.

Mobile phones as bonding tool

Mobile phones cannot be blamed for lowering social life as they can effectively be used in strengthening one's bond with another. The phones do not decrease social life but fortify it. Shy and introverted people can begin a conversation with somebody online and pick up where they left off in real life. However mobile phones should only be used to get to know people better and online interactions can never replace face-to-face socialisation. 

Hence mobile phones are merely socialsation tools that aid in socialisation. They should never be used to meet people for the first time and such interactions must be in person. Addiction to one's phone stems from being stuck in a cycle of instant gratification from applications such as Netflix, Instagram and Amazon. Mobile phones on their own can help immensely in living a more active social life. Hence, mobile phones are not an underlying factor for decreased socialisation and addiction to them. 


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